Super Easy Crocheted Scarf for Beginners

This super easy crocheted scarf for beginners is truly that…super easy! I love creating crochet patterns that are suited for beginners but are beautiful and professional-looking. This crocheted pattern is very basic and is a simple one-row repeat. The first two rows of the pattern set up the scarf forRead More…

How to Design a Crocheted Blanket

how to design a crocheted blanket

Learn how to design a crocheted blanket in this free tutorial. I had originally planned to create an online course on Udemy for this project, but as some of you may know, my husband has not been well. I didn’t have the time or energy to create new content thisRead More…

Caregiving with a Chronic Condition

caregiving with a chronic condition

Caregiving with a Chronic Condition … some helpful advice. If you have a chronic condition, then it is possible that at some point during your illness, you may be put in the position of being a caregiver. This may be especially true if you are not working and are theRead More…