Helperitis: The Act of Helping Too Much

Helperitis (help-er-i-tis)—One who helps others at the expense of their own needs, health, or wellbeing. This is a word I created while trying to explain a ‘way of being’ to my husband. I was looking at my own personal challenge of being someone who helps too much. ‘Helper’ is obvious,Read More…

DIY Bath Salts

There is nothing more soothing and nurturing than a long soak in a nice warm bath infused with healing salts, beautiful flowers, and aromatic oils! Making your own blend of baths salts is super easy. This recipe uses a blend of Epson salt and pink Himalayan salt. Both these saltsRead More…

Beginner Crochet Series

Learn how to crochet! If you have never experienced the feeling of soft yarn moving gently through your fingers and witness how a series of simple stitches can create a beautiful project, then you may want to explore the world of crochet! I started crocheting when I was just 11Read More…

Creativity and Healing

Creativity and Healing are known to be beneficial. Scientific research in the area of brain health is providing evidence that many physical and emotional issues are the result of the brain not functioning properly. Signals (neuropathways) between cells can be damaged by countless physical and emotional traumas. When this sortRead More…

Welcome to my Blog

How does one find their passion? It can be a bit of a long and winding road, as well as a process of trial and error. Some people have one clear passion and are very certain of that from the very start. I, on the other hand, have many passionsRead More…