Free-form Crochet ~ An Introduction

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Free-form Crochet ~ An Introduction. If you have never tried free-form crochet, then you are in for a treat! This style of crochet is so liberating because there are no rules or boundaries. All you need to know are a few techniques, some basic stitches and you are good to go!

free-form crochet an introduction

You can see in the image above, a few samples of basic free-form crochet scrumbles. Yes, that is what the motifs are called in free-form crochet…scrumbles. I think that is such a fun name! Essentially, what this involves is using crochet to create fun and whimsical pieces of fabric. You can join the scrumbles to create a larger piece of fabric which can then be used to make all sorts of projects.

You can use scrumbles to embellish clothing, create pattern pieces for sweaters, jackets, hats, and bags. You can create afghans, pillows, wall hangings and so much more.

I have created a video tutorial to teach this technique because, while free-form crochet is easy, teaching the process is a bit involved and hard to describe with writing. In this introductory tutorial, I will show how you can use single, half-double, double, and treble crochets to create a basic scrumble.

I will show you how to build stitches to create different shapes, how to gauge your rounds so the fabric lays nice and flat, how to join new colors in a couple of different ways and a few more basic techniques. If you are new to crochet, then you can check out my Beginner Crochet Series to learn all the stitches used here in this tutorial.

Check out the video at the bottom of the blog to learn the basics of this amazing craft!

an introduction to free-form crochet supplies

The supplies you will need are simple…just some yarn (this is great for using up bits and bobs), a crochet hook that is right for your yarn choice, a darning needle, and embroidery scissors. The other tool that is very helpful is a hand steamer. This helps to press the scrumbles with steam so they lay nice and flat.

You can work with any yarn you like, however, wool blends may have more integrity and longevity than synthetic blends. I would recommend staying with the same weight of yarn for the scrumbles, as mixing yarn weights can be a bit tricky.

I first discovered free-form crochet in a book I picked up at a used book sale called Illustrated Patchwork Crochet by Bella Scharf. The book was published in the mid-1970s and has some fun ideas in it (although some are rather dated). It is no longer in print, but it’s possible to find a copy second-hand. The image above shows an afghan made using free-form crochet and when I first saw this I was hooked!

I then found The Crochet Workbook by Sylvia Cosh and James Walters which was published in 1989. Fortunately, this book is still available and is a treasure trove of free-form crochet techniques and inspiration! I got both a soft copy and a hard copy of this book at another used book sale. I was so excited!

an introduction to free-form crochet scrumbles

You can see above, my first attempts at creating scrumbles, and I think they turned out pretty good. But I quickly learned how to do a much better job and I even went on to play with more complex stitches to create some pretty funky scrumbles. I made a pillow with this fabric and I just love it!

I plan to create more free-form crochet tutorials showing more advanced techniques including various shapes to start with, spiral shapes, and some fun stitches. I will show how to join scrumbles together and how to ‘fill in’ the gaps between the motifs. Make sure to subscribe to both my newsletter and YouTube channel so you don’t miss out!

I hope you enjoy this tutorial and, like me, become hooked on this creative and liberating style of crochet!

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