You Can Create the Life You Want!

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Most people are living a life that is a culmination of conditioned patterns and behaviors that have been taught to them, for the most part, by unconscious people. Have you ever considered this? Everything you know, everything you believe, everything you do…you have learned from others. But did you know that you can create the life you want? Did you know that you can create your life with intention?

We learn in many ways…through observation, through reading and studying, and through experience. We build an ‘inventory’ of knowledge and then we form our personality based on that. If some of those experiences happen to be negative, an emotional reaction and memory will always be connected to it, and this often creates limiting beliefs and negative states of mind. By the time we are thirty-five years old, we have memorized countless patterns and behaviors (mostly unconscious) and are living a very conditioned and predictable life.   

We only use 5% to 10% of our conscious awareness to make choices and decisions in our life…the rest of the time, we are running on automatic and conditioned programs. And, furthermore, 90% of our daily thoughts are the same thoughts that we had the day before (and the day before that…and the day before that…) As a result, most of our day is spent doing everything we already know…and 90% to 95% of those actions are unconscious!

You don’t have to think about how to brush your teeth, wash your face, drive your car, do the housework, or countless tasks you do throughout the day. This is by design because it would simply be too overwhelming to have to think through each and every task and action we do. So, essentially, we live by a set of memorized experiences…all of which we have learned in the past.

But have you ever considered that perhaps, some of those memorized experiences, behaviors, and emotions, are not in alignment with who you really are? Have you ever considered that you may have memorized limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and patterns that might not even be yours, and these are dictating your life experience? Have you ever considered that you have become a servant to all your unconscious thoughts, actions, and behaviors?

Unfortunately, this is how most people live their lives, making one unconscious decision after another, not realizing that they can (through some effort), become the master of their own thoughts and actions…and create their lives with intention. Most people end up just sitting back and letting life happen to them, living a very limited and conditioned life because they simply don’t know any better!

Well, I am here to tell you that you can create your life with intention! You can become the master of your own thoughts and emotions. You can choose to live the life you want because it is possible to reprogram unconscious negative patterns, behaviors, and emotions into conscious positive patterns, behaviors, and elevated emotions.

This is a huge subject, and I am not going to dive into it too deeply, other than to introduce the idea that it is possible to transform your life into any life you want!

I will also say right up front…it is not easy! The conditioned parts of yourself have been running on autopilot for your entire life, and the patterns and programs are well established. You will know this from trying to make positive changes in your life…times when you’ve gone on a diet, or tried to implement a new exercise program, or tried to give up an addiction or habit such as sugar or smoking…and failed.

The patterns don’t want you to change, they don’t want you to overcome them…they want to remain in control and to be the master of your life. They want things to remain safe and therefore remain the same. They are very cunning and will say things like, “you can start tomorrow”, or “maybe just one treat…you have been so good”, or “this is too hard, you can’t do it”. I wrote an article about why this is and you can read it here.

The work then is to become greater than your conditioned self! The work is to become aware of the unconscious programs and patterns that have been running your life…and to become the master of them. The work is to overcome these programs and patterns and then, with intention, replace them with elevated emotions and create the life that you want!

So how do you do this you may ask? Well, there are countless paths and possibilities that can lead you through this process, and I’ve written about some of them before. EFT Tapping, Eden Energy Medicine, and the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza are the top three healing paths that I always recommend.

Today, however, it is the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza that I am recommending, as I believe this is the most powerful and effective tool to help you transform your life. The other two modalities can be used in conjunction with this work, but Dr. Joe has created a formula specifically designed to help break the patterns of your old self in order to create a whole new self! His work is truly transformational and I can’t recommend it enough.

He has a treasure trove of offerings…so much so, that it can be hard to know where to begin! I struggled with this in the beginning, and I even turned away from the work for a few years because I didn’t like the first meditations I got from him. I do regret this now, but I’m grateful that I came back to this work.  

Here are my recommendations:

First of all, start by watching some of his testimonials on Youtube. He has hundreds of them on his channel, and if these stories don’t show you what is possible for yourself…then I don’t know what else could inspire you!

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If you are new to this whole concept, then I recommend starting with his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. There is an audiobook as well. The last six chapters of this book consist of a four-week program designed to help you begin your journey of transformation. He has written out some suggested meditations, so you don’t need to buy any of his meditations, but if you do, I would start with the Morning and Evening Meditations.

The most important piece of Dr. Joe’s ‘formula’ is the meditations. They help you identify the negative patterns and emotions, and then guide you through the process of reprogramming and creating new possibilities. Here is the secret…it takes commitment and repetition! Some of the most amazing healing stories have occurred because the person doing the work was extremely diligent with their daily meditations. This is still one of the most inspiring testimonials I’ve seen.

If you are familiar with the idea that your thoughts create your reality, but have not had much success in applying it in your life…or if you are dealing with any sort of health issue or chronic condition, then I recommend You Are the Placebo. There is a written script for the Changing Beliefs and Perceptions meditation at the back of the book, but he has the guided meditation available as well.

This is the one I didn’t like when I first found his work, so I’ve recorded this script myself and added some background music. My husband, on the other hand, likes Joe’s version. Each to their own! Another meditation I would recommend once you’ve started the work is The Blessing of the Energy Centers. I actually like Dr. Joe’s version of this meditation (available on his website)

If you have a lot of experience in energy healing and you’ve been on a spiritual journey for some time, but have not been able to access a deeper level of awakening, then you may want to read Becoming Supernatural. This book also offers some tools and techniques that you can apply in your life. There are meditations available to go along with this book, and I recommend the Blessing of the Energy Centers and the Walking Meditation. You can find some of his meditations on Youtube as well.

Last but not least, if you are ready to dive deep into Dr. Joe’s work, he offers an online Intensive and Progressive Workshop on his website. All of his books and meditations are available there too. While I am an affiliate with Amazon, I am not affiliated with Dr. Joe Dispenza and his website in any way. I just want to provide easy access to all his content.

I want you to realize that you do not have to be a victim of your life circumstances and that you have within yourself the potential to create the life you want!

Also, I have created a guided meditation based on Dr. Joe’s meditation, Blessing of the Energy Centers. It is different in that I guide you through the process of cleansing each chakra center before moving on to bless that center.

I also have a Giveaway Contest going right now on Youtube…make sure to enter to win one of three lovely prizes! The contest ends Thursday, May 14th at 10 am PST and the winner will be announced the same day.

Have you had any transformational experiences? Are there any other teachers or work you would recommend? Leave a comment below…I’d love to hear from you!

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