Keep Your Immune System Healthy & Strong!

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Keeping your body and immune system healthy and strong during a health crisis is of utmost importance. Negative emotions such as fear, worry, and anxiety trigger the stress response in the body. This increases the production of cortisol which suppresses the immune system. A weakened immune system then makes one more vulnerable to illness.

Unfortunately, modern life has become quite stressful, and many people are already living in a state of chronic stress, anxiety, and tension.

This has resulted in an ever-increasing number of people living with chronic health conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, chronic pain and a myriad of ‘syndromes’.

Cancer rates have continually increased over the years, and it is well known that there is a direct correlation between stress and increased chances that the immune system can become compromised. We know this can lead to health problems.

So it has never been more important to implement strategies to reduce stress and take care of your body. And this is not just the physical body…the emotional and spiritual bodies also need to be addressed. This can be done in two ways; first by reducing your exposure to stress, and second, by boosting your immune system with a variety of self-care practices.

To reduce stress in your life, it is important to sensor information. While it is important to stay informed, it is more important to avoid a constant barrage of negative news and information. Go on a minimalist diet of media, and this includes television and social media. There is a lot of misinformation on social media, so don’t hesitate to block ‘friends’ who share fear-based content. Choose a reliable source of media information and view that just once a day.

If finances are a source of stress, then this can be a good time to look at spending habits and see if there are ways to simplify your life and become more creative with the resources you do have.

There is a lot of information on the internet and I really like this YouTube channel ‘Living on a Dime to Grow Rich.’

Another possibility is to look for new creative ways to make money online. Sara from Wholesale Ted has a lot of great ideas on how to do this and she even has a video on how to supplement your income in some innovative ways.

Take an inventory of stressors in your life and see if you can make some changes to negate some of them. Many people spread themselves too thin with obligations and commitments and sometimes you just have to ask, “what is more important, this obligation or my health?”

EFT Tapping can be a powerful tool to help reduce stress in your life. This is an energy technique that uses tapping on certain meridian points on the body while acknowledging the problem and then using calming affirmations.

I have directions and a diagram on my website here, but I’ve also created a guided tapping script on Youtube that you can follow along with, that addresses fear specifically. Check it out below.

If you want to learn more, you can check out EMO Free with Gary Craig and EFT Universe with Dawson Church. These are rich resources! The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner is also a great resource.

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Now, this is a bit of a touchy subject, and if you have a lot of stress in your life, you may not like to hear this. But…many people actually become addicted to stress and negative emotions. This can be a very unconscious behavior and it can be hard to detect it in oneself. A big clue is if your life seems to be a never-ending barrage of problems, illness, drama, and stress.

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, explains how this happens and offers ways to overcome negative patterns in your life. His work is very powerful and can transform your life in ways you can’t even imagine!

Energy medicine is also a great resource to help support your physical and emotional body during stressful times. The Daily Energy Routine by Donna Eden is wonderful for supporting the physical health of your body. She has also done a couple of videos specifically on helping to boost the immune system. If you are interested in Donna’s work, her book, Energy Medicine, is an encyclopedia of valuable knowledge.

Good self-care includes nurturing all three bodies. Taking care of the physical body with good nutrition and exercise is a must to build a strong and protective immune system. If you are experiencing a lot of stress in your life, then this is not the time to reach for comfort foods and stay in your pajamas all day!

Your body needs to be nurtured and fed with great care to keep it in the best possible health. Make healthy food choices and avoid processed, high fat, high sugar foods.

I’m not a nutritionist, so I can’t recommend a healthy diet, but all-natural, whole foods are the best choice.

I have a great recipe for Persian Noodle Soup, which I think must be one of the healthiest soups ever! I also have a recipe for Keto Pizza and Cream of Broccoli and Cheese Soup.

There is a lot of information out there, but a healthy diet can be very simple…just eat real food and listen to your body! Not all people can be vegan or vegetarian, and some people can only be vegan or vegetarian. Do what is right for you, not what may be ‘socially acceptable.’

Exercise is essential! If you can, get out for at least a half-hour walk a day…more if possible. If you can’t get outside, then check out Youtube for some fun cardio workouts or some yoga practices…there is so much available! I have a guided walking meditation that could be practiced in the house as well as outside. Just get moving! Dancing is also a great idea because it not only gives you a great cardio workout, but it lifts your mood as well!

Nurture yourself with a nice relaxing herbal-salt bath while reading a book or listening to some gentle music.

Meditation can be very helpful as well because it can help to calm your mind and break negative thought patterns which can help to boost your immune system.

I have a few guided meditations on my Youtube channel including this Body Scan Meditation. It is 30 minutes in duration and very relaxing.

I also have this 7 Minute Meditation for Anxiety which is great to help reduce stress in the moment.

Your mental health is so important, especially during stressful times. This is why taking an inventory of stressors can be helpful. But in addition to that, you can support your mental health by choosing activities that raise your mood. Watch funny shows, do some creative projects, read inspiring books, do some journal writing, or watch inspiring shows. All of these activities can help raise your mood. Also, reach out to friends for a phone or online chat, and if needed, seek emotional support from a trained professional.

If you don’t have a spiritual practice, now may be the time to consider exploring what life really is about. Is there perhaps a deeper meaning to life? There are countless books worth exploring and some of my favorites are, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zin, Loving What Is by Byron Katie, and Everything is Here to Help You by Matt Kahn.

Good quality sleep helps your body repair and restore, so having good sleep hygiene is very important. Reduce screen time and turn the lights in your home down two hours before bedtime. This allows the natural chemistry of your body to work for you by producing melatonin. This recipe for a relaxing bedtime herbal tea is wonderful to have before bedtime.

This may sound odd, but don’t keep your phone by your bed…ever! Leave it in another room and better yet, turn it off. Some people are sensitive to wifi and electromagnetic fields, and in that case, it could be helpful to turn all devices off at night and even the router.

I have a lot of creative tutorials such as Dot Painting for Beginners, How to Make a Wire Wrapped Pendant, How to Crochet a Granny Square Blanket for Beginners and so many more! Take a little walk through my website to see what inspires you!

My intention with Create~Nurture~Heal is to provide inspiration and resources to live a balanced, creative, and healthy life. So I have a lot of resources to support you in all these ways.

What is most important, however, is that you take control of your own life, your own emotions and your own health! Don’t allow your environment to control you! You don’t have to be at the mercy of ‘what is happening in your life.’ You can choose to be the creator of your life by taking care of your physical health, your emotional health, and your spiritual health.

Live your life not from fear…but from fearlessness!

Blessings to you all!

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