Relaxing Bedtime Herbal Tea

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DIY Blend!

Creating your own relaxing herbal tea to enjoy at bedtime is so easy! In doing so, you can customize your blends to suit your own needs. I have a lovely recipe here and give a snippet of the medicinal properties of each herb I’ve used. You can follow this blend or make it your own!

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All of the herbs recommended here can be found at your local health food store or even in your own garden! However, I have provided some sources below.

The recipe for this Relaxing Bedtime Herbal Tea is as follows:

Blend all the ingredients together and store in a glass jar or container. It’s that easy! Use one heaping teaspoon of your blend to 1 cup (250 ml) boiling water. Let steep for 3 to 5 minutes and enjoy!

Below are some of the medicinal properties of the ingredients listed in this tea blend. Please check out my disclaimer here.

Lavender flower: This herb enhances a calm and peaceful state of mind and can help reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, and restlessness. It is known to help with insomnia, headache, and digestive issues. Lavender also has anti-inflammatory properties, but more than anything…it just has such a lovely fragrance!

Passionflower: Known to reduce anxiety and calm the mind, passionflower is a wonderful herb to use at bedtime.

Hibiscus flower: This herb is rich in Vitamin C, so it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels and is known to calm down the nervous system. In addition to having a lovely flavor, hibiscus flower can also help with depression and anxiety.

Lemon Balm: Used for centuries, lemon balm has many healing properties. While it can improve focus and memory, it is also known to calm the mind. Its soothing properties can also help with insomnia and anxiety.

Peppermint: Known for its benefits for settling an upset stomach, peppermint can also have an overall calming effect. It is also helpful for soothing headaches and migraines. The sweet, minty flavor of this herb makes it a great addition to any tea blend.

Licorice Root: This herb is known for its benefits for digestive issues but is believed to be helpful for adrenal fatigue as well as for reducing stress. Licorice adds a lovely flavor to this recipe.

Rose Petals: Aside from the beautiful appearance and fragrance of this ingredient, rose petals can help calm and soothe the nervous system. They are known to have mild sedating and anti-inflammatory properties as well.

Chamomile: This is one of the most common herbs used in relaxing tea blends today. Its calming and relaxing effects are the main reason, but studies show that chamomile may work in a similar way to benzodiazepines. These are a class of prescription drugs that can reduce anxiety and induce sleep. Chamomile is also believed to help reduce inflammation.

I hope you enjoy this recipe and become inspired to play with other ingredients to make your own herbal tea blends. Please share this post with family and friends who may enjoy making their own teas as well!

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