Keep Your Immune System Healthy & Strong!

keep your immune system healthy and strong

Keeping your body and immune system healthy and strong during a health crisis is of utmost importance. Negative emotions such as fear, worry, and anxiety trigger the stress response in the body. This increases the production of cortisol which suppresses the immune system. A weakened immune system then makes oneRead More…

Understanding Highly Sensitive People

highly sensitive person and empath

Highly Sensitive People (HSP), are often misunderstood. Accounting for about 15 to 20 percent of the population, sensitives have a nervous system that is highly reactive. This is a physiological trait that is innate, and not learned or acquired. The percentage of sensitives mentioned above is true amongst all species,Read More…

Crocheted Rocks and Round Things!

crocheted rocks

Crocheting around rocks (and other round things) is so much fun! I love how they look, and there are numerous possibilities for this craft. I crocheted around a walnut to create a pendant, and one could create pendants from any sort of round object. I must say, however, I loveRead More…

Why Crochet is so Good for You!

why crochet is healing

I have known for a long time that crochet (and other creative endeavors) are very healing. This is the premise for my blog and offerings, which is why I use the tagline Create~Nurture~Heal. I have seen a lot of anecdotal evidence for this, however, when I started to look forRead More…

Hand-Blended Incense-Meditation Recipe

Hand-blended Incense Recipe

Hand-blended incense is simply divine…and…it is very simple to make! Many people think they are allergic to incense, but many commercial blends of incense are made with synthetic ingredients that emit toxic fumes when burned. Hand-blended incense is made from 100% natural ingredients and has wonderful healing and spiritual properties.Read More…