Turn any Crocheted Scarf Pattern into a Cowl

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Hello creative friends! Today I have a super fun and easy tutorial on how to turn any crocheted scarf pattern into a cowl. This is such a great way to make quick and easy gifts because the length of a cowl is at least half the length of a scarf. Simply use a scarf pin or a broach for a very easy conversion, or add buttons if desired.

turn any crocheted scarf pattern into a cowl

In this blog post, I will share a couple of tutorials for cowl patterns. As this is a tutorial on how to turn any crocheted scarf pattern into a cowl, I will share some of my scarf patterns as well! If you are new to crocheting, then make sure to check out my Beginner Crochet Series to learn all the basics of crocheting.

There is no written pattern for this tutorial because every scarf pattern will be a little different, but I do teach you how to figure out where to place the buttons and button holes. Please forgive some of the audio in this video tutorial as it is the first time I have not done a voice-over for the instructions. (I’m trying to make editing a bit easier)

The above tutorial is the exact same pattern I am using to demonstrate how to turn any crocheted scarf pattern into a cowl. The only difference is that I am using a number five, chunky-weight yarn…the stitch pattern and stitch count are exactly the same! I’m always so amazed at what a difference a yarn can make. You can find the written pattern and blog post here.

Some of my favorite crochet accessories

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The above tutorial is for one of the cowl patterns I referred to in this new video. You can watch this video or check out the blog post and written pattern here.

Here is the second cowl pattern I showed in the tutorial on how to turn any crocheted scarf pattern into a cowl. The above cowl pattern shows you all the steps required to make this lovely garment, so no calculations are required. The blog post with more information is here.

The above scarf pattern would be a perfect pattern to use to make into a cowl and the written pattern and blog post are available here. This is a revised version of an older pattern which you can find here. The older pattern is also available to purchase on Ravelry as a downloadable PDF.

My Hugs and Kisses Scarf pattern would be super fun to make into a cowl pattern. The written pattern and blog are available here.

Ooohhh, and the above scarf pattern would be so lovely as well! When I created this tutorial, the stitch pattern was a bit hard to see, so I did create a second tutorial with a lighter color yarn (and had the camera better focused), that shows the stitch pattern more clearly. If you have problems, make sure to check that out too which is in the written pattern and blog post. The above pattern is also available in my Ravelry shop.

So, I actually have quite a few crocheted scarf patterns you could check out. Here is my Playlist from YouTube for all my crocheted hats and scarves. I always have a link to a blog post below each video tutorial with more information. It can be a bit hard to find on a smartphone or tablet, so you want to look for the … more link that is just below the title of the video and beside the number of views shown and when the video was posted.

It would look like this: 2K views . 3 days ago …more Click on the “…more” word.

I’m sharing this information because so many people contact me to ask where they can find the blog post and more information, and I realized that it is difficult to find the description box on smaller devices.

turn any crocheted scarf pattern into a cowl

So there you go! Have fun, be fearless, and be creative!

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