Crocheted Coasters and Hot Pad Set

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I love quick and easy projects, and this pattern for the crocheted coasters and hot pad set fits the bill! This project is suited for beginners and is perfect to make for a hostess gift, for stocking stuffers, or for craft fair projects. Both the coasters and the hot pad crochet up very quickly and are made using just single crochet and double crochet stitches.

crocheted coasters and hot pad pattern

It is important to use a natural fiber when making items that will have hot surfaces placed upon them. I am using a cotton yarn, which is a number four medium-weight yarn. One might get away with synthetic yarn for the coasters, but certainly not for the hot pad. This is a beginner-friendly pattern, but if you are new to crochet, I do recommend that you check out my Beginner Crochet Series to learn all the basics. I have also created a video tutorial that you can find at the bottom of this blog.

crocheted coasters and hot pad set supply list

The supplies you will need for this project are:

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The pattern for the hot pad is made with a total of five rounds of double crochets. The coasters are made by using the first three rounds of the hot pad. You will need two motifs for the hot pad, and of course, you can make as many coasters as you like! The coasters measure 4″ (10 cm) in diameter, and the hot pad measures 7.25″ (18.5 cm) when done.

how to crochet coasters round one

Begin with a ch 4, join with a sl st to create a ring.

Round one: ch 3, 15 dc into the ring, join with a sl st into the 3rd ch of beg ch3 (16 dc incl beg ch3).

how to crochet coasters round two

Round two: ch 3 (counts as first dc), 1 dc in same st, *2 dc in next st. Repeat from * 14 times, join with a sl st into the 3rd ch of beg ch3 (32 dc incl beg ch3)

how to crochet coasters fasten off

Round three: ch 3 (counts as first dc), 2 dc in next st, *1 dc in next st, 2 dc in next st. Repeat from * 14 times (48 dc incl beg ch3).

For coasters, fasten off with an invisible stitch. The video shows how to do this. Cut a tail and thread onto a darning needle. Bring the needle in from behind through the V-stitch of the first dc after the ch3 stitch.

how to crochet coasters fasten off 2

Form a ‘mock stitch’ by bringing the needle back down in between the V-stitch that the yarn is coming out from. Darn in the tail ends, and you are done! You can crochet as many coasters as you like.

For the hot pad, join round three with a sl st into the 3rd ch of beg ch3, and carry on with two more rounds.

Round four: ch 3 (counts as first dc), 1 dc in the next st, 2 dc in the next st, *1 dc in the next 2 sts, 2 dc in the next st. Repeat from * 14 times, join with a sl st into the 3rd ch of beg ch3 (64 dc incl beg ch3)

Round five: ch 3 (counts as first dc), 1 dc in the next st, 2 dc in the next st, *1 dc in the next 2 sts, 2 dc in the next st. Repeat from * 19 times, 1 dc in the last st (85 dc incl beg ch3). Fasten off with the invisible stitch as shown for the coasters.

Crochet two motifs with five rounds for the hot pad, but finish just one of the motifs with the invisible stitch. For the second motif, join the last round with an sl st into the 3rd ch of the beg ch3, do not fasten off or cut the yarn! Darn in all the tail ends.

how to crochet a hot pad with two round motifs

Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures from this point on, but all of the steps to join the two motifs together are shown in the video tutorial.

On the second motif, ch 1 and turn your work. The wrong side will be facing you. Place the first motif with the invisible finish on top with the right side facing you (wrong sides together). Bringing the crochet hook in from the front, pick up the top loop of each stitch on both the front and back motifs (going under 2 loops), bring the yarn from behind, and do 1 sc.

1 sc in the top loop of each motif all the way around, joining them together. If you want to create a loop to hang the hot pad, make 12 to 15 chains and join in the beg sc, then fasten off. Otherwise, finish this round with the same invisible finish as before, bringing the needle in from the back of the beg sc. Darn in the tail end.

crocheted hot pad and coaster set

And then you are done…you have just created a beautiful crocheted hot pad and coaster set! Isn’t this such an easy pattern? You can have a lot of fun, playing with different color combinations. The cotton yarn is machine washable, however, I would lay the hot pad and coasters flat to dry because the dryer can make the yarn look shabby.

I have created a video tutorial for your convenience and you can watch it here or pop over to YouTube.

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