How to Make Tyvek Beads

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Learn how to make your own Tyvek Beads! These bohemian style beads are so easy to make and there are countless possibilities for colors, sizes, and shapes. Tyvek is a type of paper that has some plastic as part of the content. It is used as a vapor barrier between the plywood sheath and the exterior siding in building construction. The paper content makes the surface easy to paint and the plastic content allows you to melt it into a variety of shapes!

how to make tyvek beads
Different sizes of Tyvek beads

Because you can make these beads yourself, you can decide if you want them to be long or short, plump or thin, all one color, or a mix of different colors. You can paint the background color all the same and then paint different layers of colors on top of that, creating a cohesive color scheme but with variety at the same time. They are truly so much fun to make!

The supplies you will need for this project are:

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Tyvek bead tutorial supply list

I have created a video tutorial for you that you can watch here, or pop over to YouTube and watch there. I show you how easy it is to make the funky and colorful beads and I even show you how to melt the Tyvek around paper clips or safety pins! These can be used as charms or embellishments for other craft projects.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial. I will be making another tutorial where I embellish these beads with some fine copper wire, small glass beads, and maybe some colorful yarn. I will also show how to string the beads onto some thicker gauge copper wire and make a loop on each end, so the bead can be used as a pendant, in a necklace, or for other beaded projects. Subscribe to my newsletter or to my Youtube Channel so you don’t miss out!

colorful Tyvek beads
Finished Tyvek beads

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