5 Reasons Why Walking is Good Medicine

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Our natural form of transportation is walking, but in modern times, we are more likely to use a vehicle to take us where we want to go. As a result, we have become less active and our health has become compromised because of this. Walking is good medicine, and here are 5 reasons why.

But first, I want to share a very inspiring story with you. I recently moved to a new community and while exploring the area, my husband and I came upon an outdoor ‘Stairmaster’. These stairs are part of a municipal trail system that lead from the top of Nob Hill in Comox, down to The Spit at the beach. It is a beautiful walk and a beautiful view.

We realized very quickly that these stairs, all 243 of them, were a popular workout destination for many locals. And while the stairs were not designed for this purpose, everyone from young, strong, athletic individuals to older stroke victims, barely able to walk, used these stairs for exercise.

One day, a bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked elderly man placed a small rock on a ledge at the top of the stairs and said, “ten!” He had just completed ten sets of stairs and was hardly out of breath! “You wouldn’t have recognized me two years ago,” he said.

He shared his story of how two years ago, at the age of 78, he was 40 pounds overweight, suffered from depression, high blood pressure and type two diabetes. He had arthritis and a variety of other ailments. A friend encouraged him to start walking the stairs three times a week. At first, he could only do half a set of stairs. But he persisted, and as he began to increase the number of times he could do a set of stairs, he started placing a small rock at the top of the stairs…until he reached ten!

He does ten sets of stairs every day now, and it has totally changed his life. He has lost the 40 pounds, he no longer suffers from depression and has gone off most of his medications (with the help of his physician). “I’ve never felt this healthy in my entire life,” he declared after sharing his story. He was just so inspiring!

So here are the 5 reasons why walking is good medicine:

One: Walking can reduce the need for medication

In this study, it was shown that walking as prescribed in the study group, reduced blood pressure to the same degree as ‘what might be expected from anti-hypertensive medication‘.

Depression is another health issue that can be improved by walking on a regular basis. This article refers to a study that demonstrates the benefits of walking for depression, especially in women.

Type two diabetes can be managed very well by walking on a regular basis. Walking helps stabilize blood sugar levels and can help with weight loss. Both of these are so beneficial for dealing with diabetes. This article offers some great tips on how to start a walking program safely.

It is never advisable to stop any prescription medication without consulting your doctor. But walking on a regular basis may help you (with guidance from your health care practitioner) to wean off some medications and reduce the dose on others. What do you have to lose?

Two: Walking can invoke a meditative state.

Walking, especially in nature, can be very meditative…but only if you allow it to be! I often see people walking while talking on their cell phones, or while listening to music or even while reading their device! I can’t help to think that they are missing out on a perfect opportunity to enjoy their surroundings.

All too often, we do not give ourselves enough downtime…enough time away from all the distractions of life. Walking can be a wonderful time to do this…to practice noticing the beauty around you. Take time to observe the clouds in the sky, the variety of flowers, plants and trees. Listen to the wind in the trees, the bird songs or the trickle of a creek.

Consider walking on your own, so you don’t have the distraction of conversation. If you do walk with someone else, invite them, for part of the time, to walk in silence and notice the little things as well.

There is so much beauty out there and if you go for a walk with the intention of being more mindful, especially if you chose to walk in a maze or labyrinth, you will experience a walking meditation.

Three: Walking can reduce stress

It is probably no surprise that walking can reduce stress, and studies have shown that just being out in nature can relieve stress. After a long, hard day, a nice walk can be a time to decompress and release unwanted energy that has built up over the day. A brisk walk of just 20 minutes can increase your natural endorphins, which helps to reduce stress hormones such as cortisol.

Walking with a friend or in a group can also help relieve stress because of the social connections involved. It can be a time to connect with others, to share stories and experiences. It can be a time to provide and receive support from the people you are walking with.

Walking with others can also help you commit to a regular routine. Sometimes it can be difficult to start a new healthy habit (I wrote a blog post about why that can be), and having a reason to be accountable can help you get through any self-sabotage.

Four: Walking can change gene expression

This may be surprising, but research in the field of epigenetics is finding that we can change our gene expression through a variety of processes, and exercise is one of them! This article refers to exercise in general, but this one talks about walking specifically.

It is truly inspiring to know how much control we can have over our own body and health!

Five: Walking can reduce inflammation

I find that walking helps reduce pain and inflammation in my body. I have Fibromyalgia and if I don’t walk on a regular basis, I seize up. For me, it is a balance…if I don’t walk, I have more pain, if I walk too far, I have more pain. It is important to find the right pace and balance for yourself. But this article explains how a 20-minute walk can reduce inflammation.

Walking is a powerful and simple exercise that is so easy to do and can improve your health on so many levels. Walking is good for the body, it is good for the mind and it is good for the soul. This is why walking is truly the best medicine!

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