“TOG” Granny Square (small)

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I call this a “TOG” Granny Square because I am using a dc2tog and a dc3tog in the pattern. It is a total of four rounds, with the last round being the traditional granny square stitch pattern, and measures 5″ by 5″. I will be creating a larger version of this pattern, which will include an additional round of dc3tog stitches. Stay posted! If you are new to crochet, make sure to check out my Beginner Crochet Series to learn all the basics of crochet.

 "TOG" Granny Square

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 "TOG" Granny Square supplies

To create this “TOG” granny square, you will need to use two different tog stitches. I do demonstrate this on the video, so you can check it out there as well.

Special Stitch dc2tog: yo, place hook through st, yo, bring yarn through (3 loops on hook), yo, pull through 2 loops (2 loops on hook), yo, place hook through same st, yo, bring yarn through (4 loops on hook), yo, pull through 2 loops, (3 loops on hook), yo pull through all 3 loops.

Special Stitch dc3tog: yo, place hook through st, yo, bring yarn through (3 loops on hook), yo, pull through 2 loops (2 loops on hook), yo, place hook through same st, yo, bring yarn through (4 loops on hook), yo, pull through 2 loops, (3 loops on hook), yo, place hook through same st, yo, bring yarn through (5 loops on hook), yo, pull through 2 loops, (4 loops on hook), yo pull through all 4 loops.

 "TOG" Granny Square round one

Round one: Ch 5, sl st into the first ch to create a ring. Ch 2, dc2tog in the ring, ch 2, (beg tog made), dc3tog, ch 2 into the ring 5 times (6 dc3togs incl beg tog). Join with a sl st into 3rd st of beg tog, fasten off.

Round two: Join a new color with a sl st into any ch2 sp. Ch 2, hdc into same ch2 sp, ch 2 (beg tog made), dc2tog, ch 2, *[dc2tog, ch 2, dc2tog, ch 2] in next ch2 sp, repeat from * 4 times (12 dc2togs incl beg tog). Join with a sl st into 3rd st of beg tog, fasten off.

 "TOG" Granny Square round 3

Round three: Join a new color with a sl st into any ch2 sp. Ch 2, dc2tog, ch 3 into the same ch2 sp (beg tog made), dc3tog, ch1 in the same ch2 sp (corner made), *3 hdc, ch 1 in next ch2 sp, twice, [dc3tog, ch 3, dc3tog, ch 1] in next ch2 sp. Repeat from * 2 times. 3 hdc, ch 1 in next ch2 sp, twice. Join with a sl st into 3rd st of beg tog, fasten off.

Note: This is a special way to finish the last round of your granny square, omitting a knot and giving it a perfect finish.

Round four: Join a new color with a sl st into any ch3 sp. [Ch 2, 1 dc, ch 3, 3dc, ch 1] in same ch2 sp, (corner made) *3dc, ch 1 in next ch1 sp 3 times, [3dc, ch 3, 3dc, ch 1] in next ch 3 sp. Repeat from * 2 times, 3 dc, ch 1 in next ch1 sp 3 times, 1 dc in beg ch 3 sp (to complete beg 3dc cluster). Do not fasten off as usual.

 "TOG" Granny Square final round

To do the invisible finish, cut the tail, pull it through the loops on the square, and attach a darning needle. Bring the needle under the two “v” stitches of the third stitch (top of the beg dc). Bring the needle back down between the two “v” stitches that the yarn is coming out of, make a “mock stitch” and darn in the tail end. See the video tutorial at 18:00 for detailed directions.

Block the squares if desired (I like using a hand-steamer) and use this pattern to make any granny square project you like! I hope you like this pattern for the “TOG” Granny Square, make sure to share it with all your friends!

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