Welcome to my Blog

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How does one find their passion? It can be a bit of a long and winding road, as well as a process of trial and error. Some people have one clear passion and are very certain of that from the very start. I, on the other hand, have many passions and they seem to be ever-changing and evolving!

My main focus in the past has been on healing. I am certified as an EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and I had an active practice for a time. I also wrote a book called Healing Through Creative Expression~Using Intuitive Painting, Writing and Storytelling. I have always had a desire to help people…to help them heal, to help them find peace and happiness, to help them find self-confidence and self-love.

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But, in truth, my real passion is all about being creative! In the healing work I did, I always seemed to manage to weave in creativity at some point. Then one day I realized that I was spending too much time focusing on what is wrong and what needed to be healed, rather than focusing on what brings me joy and happiness.

That, my dear friends, is everything creative! I love painting, writing, doodling, crocheting, making jewelry, cooking, canning, weaving, making natural skincare and household products. I am also passionate about health and wellbeing on the physical, emotional and spiritual level.

So, I have decided to weave together all my passions and share all my ideas, projects, patterns, recipes and whatever else I create here on this blog! My desire is to share and inspire you to tap into your playful and creative side! You may see some references to The Art of Tapping (one of my previous trials), but I plan to eventually bring all my tapping work over here.

I will also share articles and information on healing because I do believe that we are all working to heal something, whether that be childhood wounds, a bad relationship, loss of loved ones, health, job, possessions and so forth.

And… as a highly sensitive empath, I will also share information on how to live and be empowered in a world that can be overwhelming. So I invite you on this playful and creative journey and I hope you find inspiration and endless possibilities to lead a Joyful and Creative Life!

Hugs! Patricia

I'm Semi-Retired!

Now that I'm semi-retired, I will add content occasionally, so feel free to sign up if you want to be notified when I have any news!

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