Round Crocheted Pincushion Tutorial

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I am super excited to share this round crocheted pincushion tutorial with you! It brings together my two favorite passions…crochet and sewing. I absolutely love this project, and I needed a new pincushion so badly. I’ve had mine since high school, which means it is a few decades old!

round crocheted pincushion tutorial

This is a great project to use up scrap yarn and scrap fabric. I will show you how to adapt a granny square motif into the perfect shape for the pincushion and I will show you how to make the pillow for the inside of the crocheted motifs. You can use a sewing machine to sew around the pillowcase, but I will also show you how to hand sew around it, so a sewing machine is not required.

It is also a great project for kids or for beginners, and if you are new to crochet, you can check out my Beginner Crochet Series here.

The supplies you will need for this project are:

round crocheted pincushion tutorial supplies

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For this tutorial, I used two round motifs from granny square tutorials I have on my YouTube channel. I used a number 4 medium weight yarn and a 4mm or G-6 crochet hook. You can use any round motif you like, but you will want to make sure your final round of both motifs has the same number of stitches. I talk about this in the video tutorial.

The motifs I used were the round section of the Denim Rose Granny Square (bottom left) and the Wild Rose Granny Square (bottom right). The center motif of the Tea Rose Granny Square (top) would look great as well. You can use two of the same motif, or you can mix them up and use two different motifs as I am doing in this tutorial.

three different granny square patterns

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of the finished motifs before I crocheted them together, but I do show them in the video tutorial. Here are the links to all three granny square tutorials.

As I mentioned above, you can use any round crocheted motif you like to make this pincushion. I love this book by Edie Eckman…”Beyond the Square Crochet Motif”, as it has some great ideas!

Everything you need to know is shown in the video tutorial. You can watch the video tutorial here on my blog, or watch it on YouTube. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this tutorial, it really is such a fun project. I think the pincushion could also be a fabulous pillow for dolls (of the right size). I loved this round crocheted pin cushion so much that I’ve created another tutorial for a square pincushion. I will be sharing this in a few weeks as, unfortunately, I need to take another break from creating content for a while.

I will be publishing the matching hat for the Man’s Crocheted Scarf tutorial from last time in my next blog post (probably in a couple of weeks). The square pincushion will come after that! I have lots of other tutorials on my blog and YouTube channel, so you can always explore those places for more creative inspiration!

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