Easy Crochet Shawl ~ Part One

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Learn how to crochet a very pretty and easy shawl. This pattern is made using a single crochet and a double crochet…that’s it! I am using one cake of self-striping yarn, and that is enough to crochet the entire shawl. You can use any yarn you like, but the ‘Shawl in a Cake’ by Lion Brand is so very nice for this project.

I did a yarn review on this yarn, and my one issue with it is that Lion Brand is calling this a number 4 medium-weight yarn, but it is really more like a number one light-weight yarn. As a matter of fact, I am going to use a number one light-weight yarn to demonstrate the pattern because the color I am using for the shawl is quite dark and doesn’t show very well in the photos.

If you are new to crochet, then you can check out my Beginner Crochet Series, where you will learn everything you need to know to make this Easy Crochet Shawl Pattern! I have also created a video tutorial because that does help if you are a beginner or if you have a hard time reading or understanding patterns. You will find the video at the bottom of this post.

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The supplies you will need for this project are:

To begin, ch 4 and join with a sl st in the top loop of the first ch to create a ring.

Row one: Ch 4 (counts as first dc plus ch1), *1 dc, ch 1 into the ring.

Repeat from * 3 times, 1 dc to finish row (total 6 dc incl beg ch3). Ch 3, turn your work.

Row two: 1 dc in the top loop of the first stitch (at the base of the ch3), ch 1.

*1 dc in top loop of next stitch, ch 1. Repeat from * 7 times, 2 dc in top loop of the 3rd ch of beg ch3 (total of 12 dc’s) Ch 3, turn your work.

Row three: (this is the beginning of the pattern repeat). 1 dc in both loops of the first stitch (at the base of the ch3), ch 1. *1 dc, ch 1 in ch1 sp, 2 dc, ch 1 in next ch1 sp. Repeat from * once more.

Work tip of the shawl (corner): 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch 1 in ch1 sp. *2 dc, ch 1 in next ch1 sp, 1 dc, ch 1 in next ch1 sp. Repeat from * once more. 2 dc in 3rd ch of beg ch3. Ch 3, turn your work.

Row four: 1 dc, in both loops of the first stitch (at the base of the ch3), ch 1. *sk st, 1 dc in top loop of next st, ch 1.

Repeat from * 6 times. You will be at last dc before the ch2 sp. (don’t skip a stitch). Work corner: 2 dc in top loop of the first ch of ch2 sp, ch2, 2 dc in the top loop of the second ch of ch2 sp, ch 1.

Work down the next side: 1 dc, ch 1 in top loop of next st. *sk st, 1 dc, ch 1 in top loop of next stitch. Repeat from * 5 times. 2 dc in both loops of beg ch3. Ch 3, turn your work.

Row five: Repeat row three, alternating 1 dc, ch 1 in the ch1 sp with 2 dc, ch 1 in the next ch1 sp. This pattern repeat will increase with each consecutive row. Depending on the length of the row, you may finish with either 1 dc or 2 dc before the corner.

Make sure to go down the other side, repeating the same stitch you came up to the corner with (ie: if you have 1 dc, ch 1 before the corner, come out of the corner with 1 dc, ch 1). You will finish each row of the row 3 repeat with 1 dc in the last ch 1 sp and 2 dc in the third chain of the beg ch3 (the same as how you started the row). If not, then you have made a mistake…it should be easy to find.

Row six: Repeat row four, increasing the number of stitches with each consecutive row. As you come up to the corner, you may have a stitch to skip (unlike row four). Again, if you skip a stitch coming into the corner, you will want to skip a stitch coming out of the corner.

Rows seven to fourteen: Repeat rows three and four until you have fourteen rows. The stitch count for this project can be a bit tricky as it can be easy to miss a stitch because of the lacy-type stitches. For that reason, be mindful of your stitch work, and always repeat the same number of stitches down the second side of the shawl as what you came up to the center with.

This completes Part One, in Part Two, the pattern will change slightly until the shawl is complete and then we will finish the last row with a simple edge. Check out Part Two here.

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