HSP’s and Empaths: Energy Protection

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HSP’s (highly sensitive people) and empaths have a unique energy system. They have more ‘mirror neurons’ than the average person, which results in them being more perceptive. HSP’s and empaths feel more, see more, and they are often overwhelmed by their environment. Managing your energy as an HSP and Empath is important for individuals with this highly perceptive energy system.

Within this group of individuals, there is a whole range of perceiving abilities. Some may have an empathetic nature and can work in a variety of caring and helping fields, while not being affected by the suffering of others.

On the other hand, some individuals may be overly empathetic, and not only sense the suffering of others, but actually absorb pain and suffering. They can also be very sensitive to their environment and pick up energy frequencies, react to chemicals and toxins and have psychic tendencies.

HSP’s and empaths with this higher perception need to actively learn to manage and protect their energy systems. They are quite literally like a sponge and absorb everything around them. There are three important practices that can be incredibly helpful for these people.

HSP's and empaths sitting on the beach

The first practise is one of conscious relaxation. Because HSP’s and empaths often experience higher levels of stress and anxiety from feeling so much, using soothing techniques can be helpful. I wrote an article about that here which also includes a short guided meditation.

The second suggestion is to have a grounding practice. It is so important for HSP’s and empaths to be well-grounded. They are often well developed in their higher chakras (from the heart up), but lack balance and strength in the lower chakras. There is often wounding in the lower chakras as well, and that could be explored with an energy healer.

Wendy DeRosa has a lot of wonderful free teachings, as well as some online courses that help individuals with sensitive energy systems learn how to become more grounded and empowered. There is a lot to know…more than I can write here, and she is an amazing teacher with deep insights. You can check out her offerings on her website.

I have also created a Guided Grounding and Body Scan Meditation, which includes the chakras. This is a practice that helps you become aware of your subtle body and focus on grounding to the earth. You can check it out here.

The third practice that I think is very important, is to learn how to protect your energy system. There are a number of techniques, and shielding is a common practice. I don’t actually like the idea of shielding as this is an old masculine paradigm. It is based on fear, and creating a shield around yourself may block out everything… good and bad!

radiating divine golden light

I prefer the idea of radiating divine golden light from within…a light that radiates love and is so powerful that no negative or dark energy can penetrate its field. And…positive and loving energy can come into this field because the frequencies are in alignment. So you don’t miss out on the good stuff!

I have created a new guided visualization called The Golden Light Meditation. It only takes a few minutes, and once you have practiced this technique for a period of time, you will be able to invoke this energy quickly and easily. Enjoy!

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