
Creativity just flows out of me, and I am very passionate about combining creativity with healing modalities. I love to inspire others to live a happy and healthy life, to be playful, and to explore their own inner creative potential. As a result, I have a few creative and healing products to offer! I really appreciate your support!

New! Check out my Ravelry Store for downloadable PDF patterns for sale. Just click on this link!

Learn How to Crochet a Bohemian Poncho online course

This on-line course through Udemy offers very comprehensive instructions. There are over five hours of video tutorials that show step-by-step, everything you need to know to make this funky Boho Poncho. Find out more here. And… this course ranks in the top 3% on CourseMarks!

Learn How to Crochet a Bohemian Poncho for Beginners rating

EFT Tapping for Personal Peace online course

This online course offered through Udemy offers a very powerful healing tool that you can use to clear layer upon layer of negative emotions, memories, and experiences. I created this course when I was working as an EFT Practitioner (hence the name The Art of Tapping). Learn more here.

Make sure to check out my ‘About Me’ page and the different categories I have for inspiring content. The ‘Create’ category has a variety of creative projects. the ‘Nurture’ category includes nurturing recipes and personal care products, and the ‘Heal’ category includes articles and resources to support the healing process. Some of the categories cross over with each other.

So, I hope you find something inspiring here!

I'm Semi-Retired!

Now that I'm semi-retired, I will add content occasionally, so feel free to sign up if you want to be notified when I have any news!

I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.