Persian Noodle Soup

In the Persian culture, Persian Noodle Soup (Ash Reshteh) is served on the thirteenth day of their New Year called Sizdeh Be Dar. This nurturing soup is also often served to those who are suffering from some sort of physical illness…quite possibly because there are over 14 cups of choppedRead More…

DIY Sugar Scrubs~3 Blends!

DIY Sugar Scrubb~Three Blends

Sugar scrubs are so easy to make and are wonderful to use! Because they are so easy to make, I’ve included three different blends; Lavender & Chamomile, Rosemary & Mint, and Coffee & Vanilla. They would make perfect gifts, and the aromas are so scrumptious, you may want to eatRead More…

DIY Moisturizing Lotion Bars

Lotion bars with rose and lavender

Make your own DIY moisturizing lotion bars with the fragrance of lavender and rose! Have you ever considered what commercial body lotions contain as far as ingredients? This is something to think about because our skin easily absorbs any substances it comes in contact with. Here is a clue…they containRead More…

The Sound of Silence

In this day and age, finding silence may seem quite impossible. We are living in the noisiest time in our human history. Yet, silence can be found anywhere, you just have to know where to look! I will show you where this elusive silence is, and provide you with aRead More…

HSP’s and Empaths: Energy Protection

HSP’s (highly sensitive people) and empaths have a unique energy system. They have more ‘mirror neurons’ than the average person, which results in them being more perceptive. HSP’s and empaths feel more, see more, and they are often overwhelmed by their environment. Managing your energy as an HSP and EmpathRead More…

The Power of Walking Meditation

I created a Guided Walking Meditation because mindful walking can be a powerful form of meditation. This type of meditation has been practiced by many cultures, religions and spiritual traditions for thousands of years. Buddhist and Eastern spiritual traditions used walking meditation in combination with long periods of sitting meditation.Read More…

Low Carb ‘Keto’ Pizza

This super easy recipe is actually easier to make than traditional pizza, and the flavor is equal to or better than pizza made with a bread crust. I say it is ‘Keto’ because this recipe calls for caramelized onions and tomatoes. If you are very strict with your keto diet,Read More…

Hand-Blended Incense: An Ancient Art

Burning aromatic resins, barks and flowers for spiritual and medicinal purposes date back thousands of years. An incense trade route existed in Saudi Arabia before the time of Christ, and the source of the most revered incense ingredients, frankincense and myrrh, were so highly guarded, that even the greatest pharaohsRead More…