Turn Yarn Tail Ends into Funky Fabric!

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Hello creative friends! This tutorial is on how to turn yarn tail ends into funky fabric. If you are like me, you will have a whole basket full of little yarn clippings. I don’t have the heart to throw them out and I had the idea of quilting the yarn pieces into a funky fabric! It is the perfect way to use up all those tail ends and create a whole new project with them.

turn yarn tail ends into funky fabric

I had so many tail ends from my last project for the Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket, so that inspired me to do this project. I also had a lot of tail ends from other projects like the Easy Granny Square Scarf and all my Free-form Crochet projects.

The project I’m using the fabric for is for the purse shown below. This is NOT a tutorial on how to sew the purse, but on how to make the quilted fabric which you can use for any project you like. The video tutorial for how to how to turn yarn tail ends into funky fabric is at the bottom of this post.

turn yarn tail ends into funky fabric purse

The supplies you will need for this project are fairly basic…scrap yarn, fabric, and sewing supplies. I used a sewing machine to quilt this fabric which is demonstrated in the video, so a sewing machine is required. You can do hand quilting if desired, but I don’t demonstrate that technique. There are lots of tutorials on YouTube on how to do that. The colors and quantity of supplies will depend on the project you intend to use the fabric for, so I won’t be listing those details.

turn yarn tail ends into funky fabric supplies

Supply List

  • Yarn tail ends…any weight yarn and any size
  • Backing fabric like cotton or denim
  • Tulle fabric
  • Scissors
  • Marking tool
  • Measuring tool
  • Straight pins
  • Darning foot
  • Regular thread
  • If hand quilting, you will need a sewing needle and thread.

The key to making this fabric look funky and nicely marbled is to separate the plies of yarn. It takes a bit of time, but it is worth the effort! Check out the video on how to turn tail ends into funky fabric for the whole process… have fun!

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