Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket for Donation

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I am on a mission to clear out my yarn stash, so I have a new tutorial for a Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket for Donation. This is for a local long-term care facility that is always looking for warm crocheted items for their residents. I thought the spring colors made this blanket cheerful and uplifting! If you are new to crochet, you can check out my Beginner Crochet Series to learn all the basics!

Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket for Donation

I don’t have a written pattern for this project, the video tutorial is below, but if you are looking for the stitch pattern used for the center panel, it is called a zigzag lozenge stitch. You can crochet the whole blanket with this stitch pattern (which I will call version one), but I had to make the two side panels different (which I will call version two) because I injured my shoulder and it was too painful to do the “tog” stitch that creates the flower look in the pattern.

Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket for Donation

I love this crochet stitch pattern and given the choice, I would have made the whole blanket with this pattern. But I am happy with how the “Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket for Donation” turned out…it was a successful creative solution! You can make this blanket using any combination of colors you like, or any yarn you like. It is a great way to use up scrap yarn as well. Scroll down to the image below to see the pillow on the chair beside me with the same stitch pattern.

The blanket is 30″ by 30″, but you can make this project any size you like! I’ve supplied the amount of yarn needed for both versions of the blanket below. I no longer do affiliate links, but the best place to find Bernat Premium Yarn in Canada is Walmart and in the USA at Yarnspirations.

Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket for Donation supplies

Supply List

  • Bernat Premium Yarn
    • Spring Green- Version one: 300 yds or Version two: 500 yds
    • Magenta, Sky Blue, Hot Pink, Gold- Version one: 500 yds or Version two: 300 yds
  • Crochet hooks- Version one: 5mm & 4.5mm or Version two: same for the center panel and 4.5mm & 4mm for side panels.
  • Scissors
  • Darning needle

The video tutorial will demonstrate the above stitch pattern, and at the end, I talk you through how to make the side panels using the half-double crochet V stitch. I have a video tutorial for that below and you can see how I continued with the same color sequence, but I used more green yarn in this pattern. The video will explain all the details.

Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket for Donation colors

I sewed the three panels for the “Crocheted Spring Lap Blanket for Donation” using the whip stitch. I have a video tutorial for that below, but I sewed into both the front and top loops of these panels, whereas the tutorial demonstrates sewing into the top loop only. It’s an easy modification to make.

My injury forced me to be creative and I was very pleased with how the blanket turned out… and you have two versions to choose from!

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